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<strong>Conferenza "The Cleveland Fountain (Paris, ca. 1320) and multisensory art history" (30 novembre 2022 - Aula 11, Complesso B. Pellegrino)</strong>
<span style="font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"><p><a href="https://www.beniculturali.unipd.it/www/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Locandina_20221130Cordez.pdf"><img src="https://www.beniculturali.unipd.it/www/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Locandina_20221130Cordez.jpg" alt="" width="100%" style="margin-bottom: 20px"class="allineamento-immagine"/></a>Il giorno mercoledì 30 novembre 2022, presso l’Aula 11 del Complesso Beato Pellegrino, alle ore 17:00, Philippe Cordez (DFK - Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris) e Gerhard Lutz (Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland) terranno una conferenza sul tema “The Cleveland Fountain (Paris, ca. 1320) and multisensory art history”. </p>
<p>Abstract:<br />
The hydraulic and musical fountain in the Cleveland Museum of Art offers a perfect opportunity for theoretical reflection and pratical experimentation in multisensory art history. It is a unique device of gilt and enamelled silver made in Paris ca. 1320. As exposed in a recent essay, a close comparison with the Fountain of Youth presented in text, image, and music in the Roman de Fauvel – a political satire recorded in a manuscript of 1317 (Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. fr. 146) – suggests that the same group of intellectuals and artists was involved with both creations. Indeed, the Cleveland fountain multisensorially evokes the Parisian royal palace as a divine Fountain of Youth rejuvenating the French Kingdom. Collaborative research with the Cleveland Museum of Art, using digital tools, aims at deepening our knowledge of the fountain’s material constitution, historical context, and festive performance. </p>
<p>L’evento è organizzato da Valentina Baradel e Zuleika Murat, nell’ambito del progetto ERC “The Sensuous Appeal of the Holy. Sensory Agency of Sacred Art and Somatised Spiritual Experiences in Medieval Europe (12th-15th century) - SenSArt” (grant agreement No. 950248).</p>
<p><a href="https://www.beniculturali.unipd.it/www/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Locandina_20221130Cordez.pdf">Scarica la locandina dell'evento</a>.<br />
Sono invitati a partecipare i dottorandi, gli specializzandi, gli studenti e tutti gli interessati.<br />
E’ possibile seguire la conferenza online; gli interessati sono invitati a contattare via mail Valentina Baradel (<a href="mailto:valentina.baradel@unipd.it">valentina.baradel@unipd.it</a>) per ottenere il link al meeting Zoom.</p>
<p>Il Direttore del Dipartimento<br />
Jacopo BONETTO</p>
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